Reminder: Important Meeting Thursday, December 18th

Guest Speakers: VA-65 House Delegate Lee Ware and Carol Stopps, Chairperson for the Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation COLA (Co-operative Legislation Action) committee.

Discussion will revolve around expected legislative battles for the next General Assembly session.  We’ll be covering items of interest for this upcoming GA, and we’ll get to hear a little bit about the inside baseball of what’s in store for legislative priorities. This is our chance to provide some input into the process as well (bring your questions)!

Delegate Ware brings the unique perspective of being in the General Assembly currently, while Carol Stopps leads the statewide Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation’s CoLA (Cooperative Legislation Action) committee.

We’ll also talk a bit about the recent “Cromnibus” spending bill monstrosity that just passed through the House and Senate, with a small recap on the protest march to the office of congressman Randy Forbes…..who voted FOR it.

You won’t want to miss this meeting!

We hope to see you there, and bring a friend!

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[gdl_icon type=”icon-calendar” color=”#222″ size=”24px”] WHEN:

Thursday, December 18th, 7-8:30pm

[gdl_icon type=”icon-map-marker” color=”#222″ size=”24px”] WHERE:

Richmond Alarm Company
14121 Justice Rd
Midlothian, VA 23113

Come to the front door of Richmond Alarm, then go right as soon as you enter the lobby. Stay to the right as you walk towards the back of the building, and you’ll see the elevator and stairwell to your right. Come to the 2nd floor, and the meeting space is just past the large open area (across from the restrooms).
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Remember to Bring a Friend!